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Redefine Design by Koroseal


Giving Back to Our Community

Koroseal's Headquarters coordinated a “Days of Giving” event, where we hosted a bake sale, yard sale, raffle baskets, company-sponsored food truck, and more. During this event, donations were collected for a local organization, Summit Artspace , located in downtown Akron, OH.

Summit Artspace is a nonprofit that is focused on connecting artists and artist-serving organizations to the community and to the resources they need to thrive professionally, creatively, and financially. Learn more about Summit Artspace here.

Our donation was applied to Summit Artspace's 19th Annual FRESH Juried Exhibition. FRESH pushes the boundaries of what art can be—stylistically, conceptually, and technically—and challenges the viewer to see the world through a new lens. We were honored to attend the opening night, meet the artists, and present our donation. Check out the submissions and winners here.

The team and artists at Summit Artspace are very talented and have been wonderful to collaborate with. We look forward to many more partnerships in the future!

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Welcome to the newly improved Koroseal website!

We've made it easier to find the products and samples you need. Start with "products" in the main navigation and dive into any category you'd like or start with a search below.

If you need further assistance, call 855-753-5474.


Pattern #: LUZ1-11
Pattern Name: Luzon
Color: Blue
Brand: Walltalkers
Designer: Patty Madden
Pattern Style: Geometric