The Harmony collection is a unique collaboration between Koroseal and world-renowned designers who bring their distinct perspectives and creative vision to the world of wallcoverings. The collection features a diverse range of patterns, textures, and colors that are inspired by nature, art, and architecture.
Recognizing that together we can achieve more, we connected the design talents of Stacy Garcia, Clodagh, and Roger Thomas with Koroseal's state-of-the-art rotogravure printers and unmatched design capabilities.
The Harmony collection combines modern design with a sense of tranquility and balance including bouclé textures, wavy linework, and embossed designs that mimic the look of steel, compacted earth, and reflections on water. The collection also includes a variety of color palettes, from soothing and tonal neutrals to pops of blues and greens, ensuring that there is something for every design style.
Koroseal is known for their high-quality, innovative wallcoverings, and the Harmony collection is no exception. Whether you're looking to add texture, color, or pattern to a space, the Harmony collection offers a wide range of options to suit any design project.