Sample request for item Corrugated Exploration Flagstone KDE-CGE-01 Add to Favorites Add sample to cart 'Corrugated Exploration Flagstone' sample has been added to your cart! You currently have 1 item(s) in your cart Go to Cart Corrugated Exploration Flagstone KDE-CGE-01 Linen substrate is recommended for Flagstone (CGE-01) and Musket (CGE-02). Silver Mylar substrate is recommended for Brick (CGE-03) and Slate (CGE-04). Samples are available on the recommended substrate. Max Image Dimensions: 200" W X 200" H Recommended Image Dimensions: 26" W X 26" H KDE-CGE-03 Brick KDE-CGE-02 Musket KDE-CGE-04 Slate