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Redefine Design by Koroseal


Design Contest: Meet Our Winner!

Koroseal is excited to announce the winner of our Calling All Creators design contest! We recently called upon Creators to share a design idea for a new digital wallcovering that emulates transformation, and sparks innovation. Thank you again to all of the amazing creators who participated through both your inspiring design submissions, and avid voting. We love celebrating creators and the passion we all share!

After receiving over 3,200 votes through our website, social, and onsite at the HD Expo, the winner is Tatiana Khalil! Congratulations Tatiana!


About the Creator

Tatiana Khalil | Schenkel Shultz Architecture


Tatiana is a graphic designer, architect, and artist from Orlando Florida. She is a versatile artist and enjoys helping to push the boundaries of creativity and functionality by merging architectural elements with compelling visual narratives. As an artist and graphic designer, she believes in the power of storytelling.

Behind the Design

Tatiana’s design drew from the inspiration she found in her dual identity as an artist and avid traveler. Through a blend of artistic expression and global influences, the design seeks to spark creativity and offer a unique experience that resonates with people from all walks of life. The “earthy” pattern brings an overall sense of natural beauty and tranquility to the space. The combination of the flowing and organic pattern paired with earthly tones evokes a connection to nature, making the wall feel warm and inviting. The design aims to inspire others by creating a space that is both innovative and captivating.


Photos and drawings by Tatiana Khalil

What's Next?

As the winner of our Calling All Creators contest, Tatiana will be joining our team in Louisville this June with an all-expenses paid trip to collaborate on transforming her design into a new Koroseal digital wallcovering. During her visit, the team will work together to scale the design and identify the best substrates to make Tatiana’s vision a reality. As always, the Koroseal team is excited to collaborate and bring a new design to life!

Also, while visiting, Tatiana will be able to enjoy the perks of being our Top Creator. During her visit, Tatiana, a guest, and her local sales representative will enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of our state-of-the-art facility, followed by the “Louisville Creator Experience” of her choice. She chose to join us for Twilight Thursdays at Churchill Downs.

We can’t wait to help Tatiana make her design a reality!

Stay connected, and follow along with us on the journey:

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Pattern #: LUZ1-11
Pattern Name: Luzon
Color: Blue
Brand: Walltalkers
Designer: Patty Madden
Pattern Style: Geometric